Pastor Jonathan and a team of ministers went to bring the Gospel to tribal people in the district of Gadchiroli in the state of Maharashtra. These tribal people live as they did hundreds of years ago and are not aware of what we would call civilization. Because they live far from hospitals or any other medical facilities they are prone to various illnesses.
These tribal people live in the forest. When the pastors where there to share the gospel with them, they discovered a pregnant woman who was about to deliver, but she was very ill. the ministers prayed for the women and by God’s grace she was healed and had a perfect delivery.
The pastoral team prayed for these tribal people and asked God to help them with the problems that they face due to being far removed from civilization. They distributed clothing and medicine, and even took some people to civilization forĀ medical help.
These people are suffering due to lack of education. They don’t have access to medicine or medical treatment. They cannot easily get woven clothing and they don’t have access to basic health care facilities in spite of ASHA (which means hope) workers from the Indian government.
If God opens doors for us to reach these people, we are willing to help them. By your generous donations you can help us to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ along with medical assistance and education to these tribal people. We are committed to bringing hope for their future. Please support us on this mission to save these tribal people from the problems they face due to lack of connection with outside world!